About US
Customer service is our priority
Gold Star Driver Staffing is owned and operated locally in the Houston, Texas area. What this means to you is that if you ever do have a problem with customer service, billing or any other issue, you will be dealing with the owner. No “let me check with the boss and see what I can do.” We know you have a choice in who to use for your drivers services. And we look forward to the time when we have the opportunity to prove to you that you made the right choice in working with a local company. The things that are problems to you when it comes to your transportation needs are our opportunity to excel.
Dedicated Logistics Leasing Program
This leasing plan is customized for the critical and time sensitive operations of “Just in Time” or other high priority logistics needs. “Guaranteed” Driver leasing, no-hassle and 110% satisfaction.
Temp. to Hire 90 Day Leasing Program
Recruiting, Interviewing and hiring commercial truck drivers is costly and time consuming. This lease program removes all of the usual cost and headaches associated with hiring CDL drivers and allows you to concentrate on your core responsibility-your customers.
Casual/Temp. Emergency Coverage
Potentially our most widely used service and equally vital. With the plan, you instantly have the comfort of options to cover your employees sick days, vacation days, off-time or seasonal peaks where you need additional personnel to service your customers. Our 24 hour assessable operations staff will provide you with the staffing options in your most desperate hour. Do not be without this option.
Large Start-Up Program
Ever been faced with needing 20 qualified CDL drivers or employees in a very short amount of time? Gold Star Driver has! We realize contracts are won and lost through your ability to produce in a very short period of time. Next time you are faced with a start-up operation you can count on the recruiting specialists of Gold Star Staffing to handle your high volume recruiting needs and reduce your cost in the process.

John Pace
About the owner
Born and raised in the Texas Gulf Coast Area, John has been building contacts with companies and drivers all his life, with a lesson he learned from his dad years ago. “It’s never a good deal unless it’s a good deal for everyone” – Gold Star Driver Staffing was born.
Because of this lesson, Gold Star Driver is different than any other driver staffing company in Houston or anywhere else for that matter.
We at Gold Star Driver release our drivers to our clients to be hired by them with no placement fees at 90 days. Unlike regular driver staffing companies that require a client to work a driver for 6 months to a year before the client can hire them. This allows the clients to see the driver’s work ethic before they hire the driver and because we release the driver at 90 days and not 6 months to a year, the driver has a chance to see the client’s work environment to see if this is a company they want to work for long term. This gives the driver access to companies that, if they worked with any other staffing company they would not have access to. This also means the driver will be going to the same client every day, unlike other staffing companies, who will send the driver to one client one day, and another client the next.
We are the best at what we do. Whether you are a Client looking to hire without the hassles of processing 20 to 30 applications for a driver that might work out or a Driver who wants to work with top notch companies, without the hassle of putting in several applications and having to wait 6 months to a year before the company they finally want to work for can hire them. Contact us. We never put our own interest ahead of that of our clients or our drivers. John always hears his dad’s advice from years ago – “It’s Never a Good Deal, Unless it’s a Good Deal for Everyone”.

P 713.244.7789
F 832.288.3002
480 N. Sam Houston Pkwy. E. Suite 355
Houston, TX 77060